After His resurrection, on the first Easter morning, Our Lord's first appearance was as the Divine Gardener; he appeared to the Penitent, who did not recognize Him until he spoke the name, Mary, and her eyes were opened. Remember after she was forgiven for adultery, Jesus picked up a stick and wrote in the earth?  What He wrote, we are never told. I wonder if it was simply, the name, Mary. 
It deepens that moment in the garden when when we bring to it the image of the Virgin  Mary who is most often pictured with her eye's lowered, looking into the heart to see ever more clearly the face of the Savior. Perhaps He wanted us to begin to look within. when He said to the Magdalen, Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father.  He was speaking not only to the Magdalen but to each of us who He came to save and He wanted us to know that, having conquered sin and death, He could now, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, begin the work of restoring paradise. With the Virgin Mary as model, we can enter into the garden of the heart where the work of our sanctification is being accomplished. By divine grace, it is here in the heart that we are being healed, put into right relationship with God and with one another. Through the metaphor of the garden we can picture the Savior as He comes to restore within the seeming isolation and disorder of the human condition, the true image of the triune God.